The profession of chiropody is considered private practice in Ontario, therefore most foot clinics are not covered by OHIP. We operate more like your dentist or physiotherapist; if you have a private or workplace health insurance plan, we can help you determine your specific coverage. Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program recipients may be eligible for orthotics and/or corrective foot wear. Chiropody is covered by Veteran’s Affairs Canada and Non-Insured Health Board.
Are You Covered?
For routine nail care, callus care, wart care or help with any ankle or foot injury treatment, please contact your insurer to determine what your coverage is for visits/treatments as well as your maximum coverage per visit/year. If you’re thinking about custom orthotics, most insurers will only accept claims from certified chiropodists. To determine your coverage, find out what percentage and how many pairs per year your insurer will cover. When in doubt, we can send a written estimate to your insurance company to find out.