Like Most New Footwear, Orthopedic Shoes May Require a Period of Adjustment
It is not uncommon for people to buy a new pair of shoes and immediately wear them to work, the gym, or to a special event or occasion the very next day. And while these new shoes may provide the ideal accent for the rest of their chosen apparel, it typically does not take long until their feet begin to throb/hurt, leaving them to wonder why, especially after the shoes felt so good when they tried them on in the store.
This is because such footwear was probably bought on the basis of style/appearance and only a few measured steps back-and-forth on the shoe department floor. But now, after a long jog, a night of dancing, or a full day standing on their feet while manning a booth at a business conference, they are clearly regretting that they did not adjust to their new shoes – and allow the shoes to adjust to their feet – over a more deliberate timeframe.
The same can be said for people who need to purchase shoes for therapeutic rather than cosmetic purposes; in other words, for individuals who require new orthopedic shoes or custom orthotics. In fact, this could be even more important under these circumstances because the wearer may already be experiencing some foot pain (thus the reason for the new orthopedic shoes or orthotics in the first place) and any incremental pain due to this footwear might simply be too unbearable.
Most foot care professionals, including the certified podiatrists at the Comfort Stride Foot Care Clinic in Toronto, will advise their patients that it could take from two to four weeks to adapt to their new orthopedic footwear. In order to gain the maximum benefit and to help avoid any regression in treatment due to unintentional yet additional foot pain, the professionals at Comfort Stride Foot Care Clinic in Toronto offer the following tips on how to get used to orthotics or new orthopedic shoes:
- Begin by wearing them for one or maximum two hours on the first day
- Increase by one-hour increments per day over the course of two weeks
- Avoid intense activities until they can be worn for at least eight hours/day
- Moisturize any tender or sensitive areas until that skin becomes toughened
- If discomfort occurs, reduce wear-time by one hour per day until pain eases
- For orthotics, do not attempt to self-adjust without a professional consultation
If the above regimen is implemented but the orthopedic footwear remains uncomfortable after a period of three to four weeks, it would be advisable for the wearer to revisit their foot care clinic in Toronto to determine the specific adjustments that might need to be made in order to move the process forward once again.
Visit an Orthopedic Footwear Clinic in Toronto to Find the Right Solution for You
The principal purpose of new orthopedic shoes is to provide support for those individuals who are experiencing or dealing with pain in their feet, ankles, or legs; orthotic footwear can be worn for a broader variety of reasons, including relief of arthritic pain, prevention of foot injuries for athletes or fitness enthusiasts, and for increasing mobility in general.
To optimize the results that can be attained with their new orthopedic shoes or orthotics, Toronto residents may benefit by consulting the foot care specialists from Comfort Stride Foot Care Clinic. These certified podiatrists can apply their professional knowledge and experience to provide customized solutions for patients who require orthopedic footwear, either in the form of orthopedic shoes or orthotic shoes or inserts; their services include:
- Taking precise measurements
- Ensuring the accuracy of the mold
- Proper fitting of the shoes or the orthotics
- Advice on how to get used to the orthotics/shoes
- Appropriate follow-up assessments and adjustments
More information on the custom services provided by the certified podiatrists at Comfort Stride Foot Care Clinic in Toronto relative to orthopedic shoes and orthotics, is available respectively by visiting Orthopedic Shoes for Better Support and Less Pain and Custom Orthotics
If you are experiencing some degree of persistent pain in your feet, ankles, or legs, new orthopedic shoes or orthotics could offer the right solution. Call the certified podiatrists at Comfort Stride Foot Care Clinic in Toronto today at 647-989-7794 or contact us to schedule a consultation on the type of orthopedic footwear that can help to improve your quality of life.